Lets start with the basic..

What are Blogging Platforms?
Basically, Blogging Platforms are the platforms that let you do your blogging by offering built-in Content Management Systems (CMS) which purpose is to make things smooth and easy for the writers to publish their thoughts with little to no coding skills. It help you to write, edit and manage blog posts, where you can also opt to write using text editors as well as HTML i.e, code it yourself. Simply put, blogging platform are so like the social medias where you're posting, interacting, whether personal or as a business, in a bigger way possible!There are few of the very popular platforms out there who is hosting number of blogs around the globe. Today, I'm shading the light on Blogger.com (also known as Blogspot.com) along with the fellow blogger's experiences with it. To be clear, this post won't categorize into pros or cons as that can be found in hundred of them out there. Also my aim is not to compare Blogger to any other platform because I know WordPress.org is genius, SquareSpace is beautiful, Tumblr is straightforward.. I could go on and on with others too. (OH! and Medium my new crash!!)
Who Choose Blogger?
Blogger is the best tool for individual starters as well as professionals. To clear this up, I'd say, the task of choosing a platform lies all under the needs and budget of the author himself. It'll sound more logical as we go..Why Choose Blogger?
Blogging should be all about just typing youthoughts or ideas into something like a word doc.
When I was on WordPress.com, (free) It took me two week to get fit with it and getting to know about what-is-where. And soon after I realize it is way too limited for me. I couldn't tweak codes, couldn't set-up custom domain etcetera without paying them. Simply it didn't fit the mold of my needs. And this was the first and the foremost reason that made me jump at Blogger and bamm!! I fell in love with it right away, with its simplicity, its features and the freedom that available here. As its is no uncommon fact that Blogger host your blog for no cost at all and I guess nothing can be more awesome than having a free blog that let you do anything and everything. You agree? You don't have to pay monthly/yearly hosting services fee. Just buy your domain (which is totally optional but good for SEO) and of course, your custom domain can be set-up here with no fuss. AND START DOING WHAT THAT REALLY MATTERS TO YOU. This speaks volumes.
There's also few things that make Blogger the boring and the bad one. First, their statistics, that always seem to be more than wrong. But Google Analytic can be use as your magic wand here. So, I guess this problem have been solved already. Second, the pre-made templates they have, which do no justice with the services they're giving us (which really really need to be updated) but if you know the little codding, you can do so much more with it on your own or even hire the designer to do it for you at affordable cost.
There are number of people who keep telling me to go for WordPress and also I've seen lots of people moving to WordPress for JUST that they were in need of a good design. Tell you what, you can even make your Blogger blog look like WordPress or Squarespace. One only need a designer who understand your need.
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Free Minimal Blogger ThemePremium theme for Blogger starting at $10

I believe every blogger had or having an experience with it, good or bad. So I asked few blogging folks to make this post more meaningful for the one who is struggling with choosing Blogger. And I hope, you might find it interesting and helpful to hear directly from the Blogger's users. So read their thought about what they found best and worst in Blogger? Why they're using it? Their personal views on it and all..
I am currently transitioning my blog from Blogger to Squarespace. I went with Blogger after receiving feedback on the less-than-great user experience my site had on Weebly, the platform I was using at the time. Best thing I've found in Blogger is the back end blog post managing system, which is very user-friendly. Also, because Blogger is partnered with Google, you get notifications when signed into Gmail. It keeps everything in one place. But monetization is very difficult on Blogger unless you sell a lot of ads or do sponsored posts. I’m looking to be an Info-preneur which is very difficult to scale on Blogger. In short Blogger is a great platform for bloggers who are just starting who don’t want to spend money on self-hosting and custom built sites. If you’re a hobby blogger who wants something simple and user-friendly, it does the trick.AFTAB PATHAN:
It was the most talked out blogging platform when I first started blogging and heard so many great things about it. The best thing I would say is how user friendly it is and how easy it is to navigate when you’re new to the world of blogging. The Bad thing is that they don’t have a direct help center or contact service to let them know when you’re having issues/when Blogger has issues. But, I would say Blogger is by far the best. Blogger makes blogging easy and straightforward, it may have the odd minor glitch here and there but the support are really quick in fixing them so they are not apparent for long. I would say if you are thinking of starting a blog, definitely start with Blogger.*edited: Aftab have now moved to WordPress.
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